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ReNew ELP Win the FlexPack Challenge

10 April 2019


The Sustainable Packaging Coalition® is a US based group of organisations with a single vision – to make packaging more sustainable. With limited recycling options available to tackle the rising issue of plastic packaging waste, new technologies are needed to tackle this rising issue – which not only has a widespread and detrimental effect on the environment, but also sees valuable resource disposed of. The SPC worked with Closed Loop Partners, an investment firm focused on building the circular economy, to focus the challenge on new ways to allow flexible packaging comprised of several materials to be recovered, re-used and re-processed into new packaging or products, diverting it from the oceans and environment as a whole, and helping to drive a circular economy.

ReNew ELP were shortlisted as a challenge finalist, and Mura’s Chief Technical Officer Richard Daley presented at the SPC Impact Conference in Seattle, whose audience included representatives from companies such as Dow, Pepsico, Unilever and Mars; with the aim being to highlight how technology can help with the recovery and recycling of composite plastic packaging waste.

In the presentation, ReNew ELP showcased HydroPRS™, which uses supercritical water to convert end-of-life plastics into a range of high value hydrocarbon feedstocks for use in the manufacture of new plastic materials, or as a feedstock for the petrochemical industry, reducing the need for fossil resource and contributing to a circular economy.

The environmental benefits from HydroPRS™ technology are significant; as well as  diverting currently unrecyclable plastic waste material away from incineration, landfill and the oceans, the technology has been assessed via independent LCAs, calculating a GHG emission saving of c.80% when compared to incineration, a current method of waste plastic processing.

ReNew ELP were thrilled to have won the FlexPack Challenge, and at being given the opportunity to present our technology to some of the biggest multi-national companies and consumers in the packaging industry.

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