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ReNew ELP Join Chemical Recycling Europe

8 May 2019


Companies within the advanced recycling industry have created an organisation to promote new technology and influence resources policy in the EU – and ReNew ELP are members.

Chemical Recycling Europe has five overall targets:
  • Offer sustainable solutions to overcome the challenges of recycling
  • Protect nature by transforming plastic waste into a valuable resource
  • Endlessly recycle plastic waste by transforming it back into its components
  • Save CO2 emissions and reduce the carbon footprint of our industry
  • Reduce landfilling by offering sustainable end-of-life options for all plastic waste

The group aims to develop relationships between industry players and emerging technologies, whilst enhancing collaboration with EU institutions..

Chemical Recycling Europe (ChemRecEurope) is committed to coordinate and represent the interests of those within the chemical recycling sector in Europe, and is open for membership for companies active in the whole value chain of chemical recycling of polymers.

Further reading is available at Materials Recycling World.

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