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Advantages & Impacts

Plastic pollution and global warming are urgent environmental challenges. Mura strives to address both with HydroPRS™, creating a true circular economy for plastic, whilst helping to decarbonise the petrochemical industry and eliminate global plastic pollution.

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Advantages & Impacts Striving for a Plastic Neutral Society

The effects of plastic pollution are global; from microplastics in the food chain to landfill leakage, the lack of effective recycling solutions creates a circular pollution problem.

We strive for a plasticneutral approach, which comes from developing a circular plastics economy. By moving away from the traditional linear model of create-consume-dispose to one of create-consume-recycle, we:

  • Convert plastics destined for incineration, landfill or the environment into valuable products
  • Extract value from waste plastic, that would have otherwise been lost
  • Reduce the requirement for fossil resource in the production of plastic, as part of the decarbonisation agenda
  • Allow plastic to remain a part of our everyday lives, with a strong recycling model to ensure its after-use

By achieving the above, we become plasticneutral – continuing to use a product that has so many benefits, whilst ensuring it is responsibly managed.

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Advantages & Impacts Environmental Benefits

Alongside diverting plastic away from polluting the environment, our technology represents significant overall environmental benefit.

Initial independent studies have already shown that advanced recycling could reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1.5 tonnes for every tonne of plastic waste processed when compared to incineration. This means that a 100,000tpa site would save approximately 150,000 tonnes of CO2  annually, when compared to incineration.

Environmental benefits include:

  • Reducing plastic pollution of the natural environment
  • An estimated 1.5 tonnes CO2 emissions saving per tonne of plastic processed via advanced recycling when compared to incineration
  • An increased scope of recyclable plastics, including those classed as ‘unrecyclable’
  • A reduction on fossil sourced feedstock for the manufacture of new plastics
  • High yields
  • Minimal waste is produced- impurities (colourants, additives, fillers etc.) in the plastic feedstock fall out into the heavier hydrocarbon feedstocks, which can be used in construction
Advantages & Impacts Life Cycle Assessment

To understand both the environmental impacts and Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the HydroPRS™ process, alongside the CO2 savings from diverting plastic waste away from incineration and into advanced recycling, Mura is working with partners on and contributing to several specific LCAs (Life Cycle Assessments), one of which is an in-depth LCA with Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG – part of the University of Warwick). The full report is expected to be available Autumn 2022, with initial data indicating:

  • Significantly reduced Global Warming Potential of the HydroPRS™ process compared to Energy from Waste
  • HydroPRS™ compares favourably to fossil naphtha, supporting the ambition of a viable pathway to Net Zero for the petrochemical and plastics industries



HydroPRS™ is a low-carbon process to drive a sustainable future plastics economy.

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Reduces plastic pollution

By recycling a much broader scope of plastics, including flexible and multi-materials, HydroPRS™ eliminates unnecessary single-use plastic and reduces plastic pollution of the environment.

Decarbonises plastics

Converting waste plastics into the feedstocks used in new plastic manufacture with HydroPRS™ decarbonises the plastics and petrochemical industries and keeps existing carbon in circulation.

Enables a circular economy

A scalable recycling process to convert materials currently considered unrecyclable into valuable, fossil-replacement feedstocks, HydroPRS™ enables a circular economy for waste plastic.

Material value retained from plastic packaging collected globally

5 %

Reference: The New Plastics Economy: Catalysing Action – The Ellen McArthur Foundation (2017)

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Circular economy

The development of a circular economy for plastic is key to the protection of the natural environment from plastic pollution and carbon emissions. To enable sustainable and ongoing protection, Mura is intending to capture the lost resource of plastic waste, valued at an estimated $120billion dollars annually.

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Ocean Generation

Mura Technology are pleased to announce a new partnership with Ocean Generation, aligning strategy and ethos as we push towards establishing a circular plastics economy, and a plastic neutral future.

Ocean Generation work with businesses, scientists and policy-makers to highlight the effect of plastic pollution on oceans and wildlife. Their award-winning documentary “A Plastic Ocean” is available on Netflix. Ocean Generation recognise and endorse Mura’s technology and its potential to help stop all waste plastic reaching the ocean within a decade, the founding vision of Ocean Generation.

Our partnership with and endorsement by Ocean Generation ensures a long-term relationship and scientific link between those looking to protect the natural world from the effects of waste plastic, and those that hold the technology to prevent plastic pollution. Whilst our goal is to deliver a business solution to the recycling of waste plastics, we also hold a core principle that we want to produce a positive social and environmental impact where we operate. Our partnership with Ocean Generation is an important part of our business ethos to assist us in measuring our impacts.”

Dr Steve Mahon
Mura Technology CEO

Having encountered plastic waste in the ocean and on the shorelines of the remotest part of our planet whilst filming for the first BBC Blue Planet series and in subsequent underwater wildlife documentaries, I felt it was time our audiences knew the truth behind those perfect images in our films. During filming for A Plastic Ocean, I witnessed the plastic problem at the centre of three different oceans and on the most remote islands including Tuvalu in the Pacific. Being there with families who were drowning in plastic waste really made me think about the rest of the world – if Tuvalu was to represent the entire land mass of our planet, might this be a snap-shot of the future for all of us if we don’t stop our ‘addiction’ to single-use plastic? We are delighted to be supporting Mura and ReNew ELP – their technology deals with plastic waste effectively and without harm to the environment. It is just what we all need to clean up the waste that is already there, impacting on our rivers and coasts and ultimately affecting our health. Being able to clean up and prevent harm sustainably is so important to us and we want the Mura’s technology to be available globally to recycle plastic back into beneficial use – and not cause pollution for decades to come.”

Jo Ruxton
Founder of Ocean Generation

White papers & Reports

  • Brochure

    Mura Technology Brochure English

    13th of November 2023
  • Brochure

    Mura Technology Brochure German

    13th of November 2023
  • Report

    Life Cycle Assessment COMING SOON

    13th of November 2023